The Journal is the Club’s premier publication; a record, source for research and a forum for reflection.
The New Zealand Alpine Club Journal was first published in March 1892. With a small gap between 1896 and 1921, the Journal has mostly been published annually ever since. In 1972 the Journal increased in size and colour images began to be included. Also, from 1972 up until 2002 both hard and softcover versions were printed. Today’s Journals are produced in softcover only and published each December.
The Journal has gone from strength to strength to become a mainstay of the New Zealand Alpine Club and much-admired publication.
Reprint Volumes covering the years 1892 -1940 were published in sets of eight in 1978. This was a limited edition printing of 500 numbered sets. It appears that not all were sold as full sets, however, which has left us with spares of some individual copies. These can be useful for those wishing to complete a set and unable to obtain originals for these early years. We have three un-matched numbered full sets available for sale. As the numbers are not the same for every volume this is reflected in the lesser price than that of a rarer matching set. These book sets are secondhand so please note that they are not in pristine new condition.
If you would prefer a matching set, Barking Mad Books have #262 for sale on their website.
Individual volumes are available for sale of numbers II, VI, VII and VIII in our shop products: Individual Alpine Journal Reprint Volumes