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An instruction manual aimed at covering all the basics of mountaineering with excellent illustrations and useful information.
Covers: equipment checklist, ropes, knots, carabiners, glacier travel, prusiking, self-arresting, crampon & belaying techniques, snow/ice/rock/equalising anchors, alpine rock, abseiling, escape, crevasse rescue, planning, navigation, avalanche awareness/rescue, mountain weather, snow shelters, camp management, helicopter/aircraft safety and mountain etiquette.
210mm x 148mm, paperback
colour images
74 pages
Weight: 200grams
Published: 5th edition 2018
ISBN: 978-0-473-09240-5
Member feedback: Useful as a field handbook. Use of diagrams works very well with no confusion of detail. The only NZ manual to address helicopter safety. Excellent self-arresting progression via the use of diagrams.