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Godley Valley, Aoraki Mt Cook National Park


This historic hut has provided shelter for climbers, trampers and hunters for over eighty years. Located at the end of the Godley valley, a trip to this remote time capsule of the great New Zealand outdoors will never be forgotten.


Godley Valley, Aoraki Mt Cook National Park.
Detailed map below.


8 bunks with mattresses, note: no radio, no water tank, or cooking facilities/utensils. External toilet so please take all your own supplies.



Payable online by credit card or bank transfer (NZ accounts only) – see above, to Mt Cook Department of Conservation or NZAC National Office. Rates from 1 Novembr 2013.

  • Members $10 per night
  • Non-members $20 per night.


No bookings are possible. The hut is open all year round and beds are allocated on a first in first served basis.

Location Map:

View on TopoMaps

Point Location:

POINT (170.51038742 -43.48048386)
NZTopo50: BX17 987 828
NZMS260 (old): I35 086 444

Huts are open and operating under COVID19 Alert Level 2 conditions. Check the government website for the latest information on levels and restrictions.

Keeping yourself and others safe

It’s important that visitors take responsibility for their own Covid-19 hygiene and safety:

  • If you are sick, stay home.
  • If you have cold or flu symptoms, call your doctor or Healthline and get tested.
  • Wash your hands, thoroughly and often, using soap you carry with you.
  • Keep track of where you have been. Complete the hut book and take a photo for your records.

Note: You need to log in first, when booking, to obtain member rates. 

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